There’s something soothing and even comical about watching your dog sleep. Do you know that some of your sleeping dog’s habits are similar to ours , while others are genetic?
The average dog sleeps 12 to 13 hours per day. Although it may not appear so, puppies snooze even longer! That’s almost half their lives! Dogs are adept at catching a few winks whenever they can. That type of napping is similar to Stage 1 sleep, in which they are sleeping but only barely.
Sleep is an essential component of your dog’s health, physical, and emotional well-being. Puppy growth, wound healing, and energy conservation and storage occur during sleep.
Outdoor and working dogs nap longer and more deeply than indoor pet dogs. Outdoor dogs and working dogs may try to sneak in a nap now and then, but they rarely relax enough to fall into a healthy, deep, restful sleep.
Do Dogs Have Dreams?
Dogs appear to sleep in stages similar to humans:
Stage 1 is characterized by a lack of sleep. Most outdoor dogs, wild dogs, and working dogs sleep here .
The animal’s blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and body temperature gradually decrease during Stage 2.
Stage 3 is a state of transition between light and deep sleep.
Stage 4 is the slow wave stage , when the dog is usually unaware of its surroundings. They frequently appear confused when startled awake.
Stag 5 is where the fun begins! This is the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. Here, their bodies relax but their brains remain active. Your dog is now at the stage where their eyes are rolling under their lids and they are slowly slipping into those hilarious dreams. They whine, growl , lap , feed , and/or appear to be chasing something while making these noises and gestures.
Most indoor dogs sleep in REM for up to 12% of their time. Puppies are more likely to spend time in REM. It is believed that at this stage, puppies process and integrate the daily lessons they receive into the behaviors they will eventually display.
It’s interesting to note that smaller dogs dream more often than their larger cousins.
Shaking dogs during sleep
For a typical dog, shaking while sleeping may be completely normal. It’s possible for dogs who have experienced trauma or puppies who were taken from their mothers too soon to tremble when they sleep. Additionally, shaking could be a sign of health issues in dogs, such as hypothyroidism, pain, chills, and digestive distress.
If your sleeping dog shakes, calmly call their name and gently pet or touch them to reassure them that everything is fine. Do not startle them. It is unknown whether dogs have nightmares, but given how many rescued and dogs who have experienced severe physical and emotional trauma shake in their sleep, a little assurance goes a long way.
Sleeping Dog’s Favorite Positions
Your dog’s sleeping position reveals a lot about him or her. Some people prefer to sleep on their stomachs, almost in a “down” position. This enables them to react quickly to any perceived threat or the fact that they may be missing out on what you are doing.
Some people prefer to sleep on their sides. This is a relaxing position. Your dog is at ease in their surroundings.
- Superdog
The “Superdog” sleeper is next. They prefer to sleep stretched out on their stomachs. They appear to be flying. They are sleeping peacefully, but will wake up as soon as they hear you move!
- Curling
Curling up is the most natural sleeping position. This is a popular sleeping position for dogs kept outside. You’ll find them curled up in a ball, paws under their bodies and a tail wrapped around their face. It is the least vulnerable and least restful sleeping position. They conserve body heat while protecting limbs, the face, the throat, and vital organs. This position gives them the advantage of being able to react quickly. If necessary, the dog’s muscles are tense and ready to spring into action. Dogs sleeping in this position rarely relax enough to enter the REM stage.
- wild dogs
Curling is the most common sleeping position for packs of wild dogs and wolves. It provides a sleeping position for awakening awareness as their senses are heightened to movements, sounds, and scents. They share body heat, conserve space in the den, and protect their offspring. Even most domesticated puppies naturally curl up together or around their mother.
- sleep on back
Finally, we appear to be in the “dead roach” position. Some dogs prefer to sleep on their backs, with their legs in the air, just like a dead cockroach! This is only found in a very secure and confident indoor pet. The most vulnerable position for a dog to sleep in is on its back. It is thought to be the most relaxing and comfortable position. It’s also your dog’s way of quickly cooling down. Indoor dogs who have used up all of their energy and/or are overheated will sleep on their backs.
Sleeping on their backs has never been observed as a behavior displayed by dogs or wolves in the wild. Dogs kept outside will not sleep in this position. This posture conveys a sense of vulnerability and submission.
It should be noted that sleeping dogs on their backs with their paws “protecting” their chest indicate that they do not want to be bothered. When a dog sleeping in this position is suddenly awakened, use extreme caution!
Comfort equals better, more restful, and deeper sleep. Whatever sleeping position your dog prefers, make sure its sleeping area is secure and comfortable. A well-rested dog is generally healthier and happier.
You will have a better understanding of your dog’s confidence and sense of well-being now that you know more about what happens when he sleeps. Furthermore, it will provide you with insight into why your dog behaves the way it does when awake.