One of the most common types of jellyfish is the square jellyfish, which can carry poison inside the body, raise blood pressure and rapidly stop the heart, which can lead to death in humans.
The square jellyfish, as its name suggests, is different from other types of jellyfish in that it is an ugly shape rather than the typical dome of other varieties of jellyfish.
Most types of poisonous jellyfish have spread to Australian shores and resulted in multiple deaths, especially among young children. The square jellyfish releases poison through the bite of the victim, causing dangerous elevation of blood pressure, cardiac arrest and human death. Let’s learn about jellyfish and their weird types.
jellyfish migration
The lake is a visible mass of water with many jellyfish in it. Based on three indicators, it is thought that this lake is 20,000 years old: First , consider the lake’s 30-meter depth. Second , the sediments are roughly 10 meters thick. Third , the age of the lake is estimated to be 12,000 years old based on the height of the water , which is sufficient for the lake’s creation. The first and most common jellyfish , the golden jellyfish , as well as the least numerous jellyfish , the lunar jellyfish , are both present in the lake in two samples each. Jellyfish in the sea close to the lake are similar to golden jellyfish , but they differ somewhat in some things.
The second suggests that they lost the majority of their group’s traits , including the habit of holding their arms close to their lips . Millions of golden jellyfish are migrating . Golden jellyfish migrate differently from their lunar counterparts. Every day they travel from west to east across the lake , then return in a horizontal drain .It is thought that they are doing this in search of food because they are anchored at a lower level below the water’s surface When moving , these jellyfish twist their bodies clockwise , and it is thought that they move to get the most sunlight to take advantage of the symbiotic relationship.
Due to the high lake water temperature , which kills the algae on their bodies , many of them perished by winter . However , in 2000 their numbers started to increase again.
Jellyfish types
One of the aquatic animals that inhabit the seas and oceans is the jellyfish , some of which are poisonous . Even worse , it may be lethal.
- An image of a jellyfish is mosaic-like:
Deep waters and coastal regions are both home to this kind of jellyfish . It can endure both warm and cold water.
- Lunar Jellyfish
This description was given because of how much it resembles the moon. Around the world , this kind of jellyfish can be found in warm waters.
- a red-skinned jellyfish
Off the coast of California , there are giant jellyfish of this type that can grow to be one meter in diameter.
- Jellyfish of the Pacific Coast
Off the beaches of the Pacific Ocean, this kind of jellyfish can be found. The prey, which is typically fish, shrimp , or crab, is thrown by this variety of jellyfish using its hanging tentacles as arrows before being stung.
- A jellyfish with a lion’s head
This species can bite its victim painfully and occasionally fatally thanks to its tentacles, which resemble the thick hair cover of a lion. Cold waters are where this species of jellyfish prefers to reside.
- comb jellies
The jellyfish got its name because this species uses cilia that resemble filaments to propel itself into the sea . This type typically takes on colors akin to a rainbow because these cilia operate to reflect light.
- Jellyfish called “Mastigias Jellyfish”
Additionally , research on this kind of animal prompted scientists to put forth the theory that tides and other phenomena like sea water mixing are caused by the movement of organisms in the water.
- The Cassiopea andromeda jellyfish
According to this particular type of ancient Greek tale , animals like crabs occasionally carried jellyfish of this kind and used them as shields.
- Scarlet jellyfish (9th)
Where baby fish live among the tentacles of this kind of deadly jellyfish , it can be a hiding place for many frightened marine species . This particular jellyfish feeds on fish remnants, larvae , and zooplankton . Moving creatures across the water is one of the functions jellyfish perform in an ecosystem.
- Lake Palau’s jellyfish
On y observe une augmentation des populations de méduses, qui peut être causée par la surpêche des poissons, qui sont des concurrents naturels pour ces méduses. De plus, la hausse de la température de l’eau provoquée par le réchauffement climatique peut accélérer la croissance de cette espèce particulière de méduses. .